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Dementia support


Dementia is a progressive condition that affects memory, thinking and behaviour.

If you’re concerned that you, or someone you know, is showing signs of dementia, it’s important to see a GP.

There are many different conditions that can mimic the early signs of dementia including: infections, delirium, vitamin deficiency, depression, anxiety and diabetes. These conditions are treatable, so it is important to visit a GP for tests to identify and manage these conditions. Once these conditions have been ruled out and there are still concerns about the ongoing changes then the GP may refer to the specialist memory assessment team for further tests.​

A diagnosis of dementia can be challenging for the person and their family.​

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Dementia UK

The specialist dementia nursing charity
that is there for the whole family.

Alzheimer's Society

Are there for everyone living with dementia. A society, made up
of people with dementia, carers, trusted experts, campaigners, researchers and clinicians.

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