My Health Online is a service which enables you to make GP appointments, order repeat prescriptions and update your own personal details online.
Before being able to create an account you must first get a registration letter from your GP. This can be printed from the links below or can be collected from reception at the surgery. Due to current circumstances forms can be sent to us via email (including 1 form of ID Drivers license/Passport etc.)
Please do not use My Health Online for contacting your GP in an emergency.
In the case of life threatening emergencies, please ring 999.
In other cases please call the surgery direct.
Your GP Practice provides this website in collaboration with NHS Wales.
Once you've created an account you will be able to use the features your GP practice has made available, which may include:
Book and cancel appointments
Request repeat prescriptions
Update personal information
As part of the registration process you will be asked to prove your identity. This is one of the measures in place to protect the information that your GP holds about you. Full details about the process are available from your GP practice.
Please read the terms and conditions and the privacy policy, which apply to this website.